
Saturday, February 1, 2014

DaGMT 2014 - Here we go!

I have decided to commit to Drop and Give Me Twenty (DaGMT) 2014.  Here is my commitment statement:

I, Renee who loves quilting, am joining Quilty Hottie Haven's 3rd annual DaGMT eventa nd pledge to quilt at least 20 minutes every day of Feburary 2014.  In choosing to do s  I will complete several project that have been commited to pleople and open by fabric stash and heart to create and complete more.  I think Beth Helfter is brillant for coming up with this concept and inspiring me to join.

So here we go, 20 lovely minutes of quilting a day!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Luka's Creation (more pictures)

I think the pictures this morning did not do justice to the quilt so here are some updated pictures.  Thanks for all of your lovely comments.

Up close outside.

Outside enjoying the cold air.

Wake up to Kona!

Wow, WoW, WOW!  

That's all I can say about the beautiful work everyone has done.  I love what God puts in each of us.  How different we each are and yet, how beautiful what is in each individual.

I want to thank Carol and  Madame Samm for hosting and cheer leading this Hop.  Thanks for letting me be a participant.

Todays participants are:   

January 21

Luka's Creation

As with most of my quilts there is no pattern or I adapt the pattern.  I designed this to work with color and I wanted the focus to be on the "blues".  I used part of a jelly roll for the blocks and around 2/3 of a yard of brown to do the sashings and borders on the quilt.  I also used different width sashings from top to bottom and left to right.  

Luka's Creation
 The entire quilt is free motion quilted on my Juki machine.

I started to use tape for the straight lines and my walking foot does not work properly, so I free motion my quilts.  I had seen examples of long arm quilters using a ruler for straight lines, and knew they had taught themselves to use the ruler, so why can't I do that.  It takes a little focus to hold the ruler and guide the quilt, but once I got started it was super easy.  I love the results.

The following is all participants in the blog hop.  Thanks for stopping by and hope to see you soon,


January 7

January 8

January 9

January 10

January 13

January 14

January 15

January 17

January 20

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Wake up to Kona Blog Hop - Day 3 (January 9)

The parade of lovely quilts continue.  Please enjoy.

As the Wake up to Kona Hop continues:

Ridge Top Quilts
Marjorie's Busy Corner
A Stitch in Time
Freemotion by the River
Everyone Deserves a Quilt

Yesterday was NUTS as far was work was concerned, the number of people with broken water lines was amazing, but we persevered and got the work done.  Now on to today and more normal of a schedule.  No quilting for over 24 hours - WoW!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Wake up to Kona Blog Hop - Day 2 (January 8)

Wow!  I loved the finished work done by Day 1's participants in the Wake Up to Kona Blog hop.  If you did not see them (each was totally different), check out yesterday's post and look forward to the remining posts over the next two weeks.

Day 2 participants are:

     Stitchin by the Lake
     That's Sew Julie
     Living With Purpose
     Nini's Patchwork Blog
     Quilts My Way
     Jane's Quilting
     Quilt Matters

All is well here as far as the weather goes.  We are in the "Northtowns" so the snow we got was recycled over two or three times by now.  My biggest concern was the river that goes in front of our house had an ice jam on it and was potentially going to cause flooding.  We will know the rest of the story as time continues.

Have a GREAT day!


Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Wake Up to Kona Blog Hop - Day 1

So the Wake Up to Kona blog hop begins:

Wake Up to Kona is about creating something from Kona solids.  We could create anything --- as long as it was new and was made only of Kona Solids.  Amanda Murphy (one of the sponsors) is promoting her new book Color Essentials which uses only Kona Solids.  I have it on my Kindle and I love the colors and a couple of her designs.  You can order it from Amazon as either a book or as a kindle e-book.

Here are blogs participating for the first day - check back tomorrow for more lovely link ups.

     Just Let Me Quilt
     Sparrow in Flight
     Geta's Quilting Studio
     How ART You
     Desertsky Quilts

Sunday, January 5, 2014

The Day before the Storm (or at least it could be)

Today has been a day of recovery.  We had a wonderful time over Christmas with over 13 people staying in the house at one time and one day of 16 people here.  I loved having my family here, one brother and sister were not able to come.  I also loved having them leave.  Yes, I cried, but I also rejoiced in the blissfully quiet house I was left with.  I have been feeling under the weather and have resorted to taking Alka-Seltzer to help clear up this lovely cold which was left from some of the guests.

I have become a DragonVale fanatic (thanks to my niece) I am now madly breeding dragons trying to get the magical jeweled dragons - still no luck.  Its still a fun challenge.

I am working on my quilt for the Kona Blog Hop (started by my going to Sew We Quilt and seeing the information - I was the last one in).  I am loving it - it is different and I will be writing up a pattern for it.

Here are a few pictures of some things I completed in the past several weeks (THANKS mom! - she did all of the binding).  I still have a lot of items to show.

This is Christmas presents for the ladies at the office - Little mug rugs.

I have been a member of Swap-Bot for the last several months and we have been exchanging Crazy 9 Patch blocks.  I had to get a quilt finished quickly for a new grand-nephew of mine so I used some of the blocks from the exchange and made some more with blue in them.  He was born in Germany at just over 2 lbs.  He is back in the states and is over 7 lbs now.  So here is Oliver's quilt!

More pictures to come...  Have a great day